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Acupuncture Clinic - Patchogue, NY

Your Gentle Approach to Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine

Trinity Village Acupuncture in Patchogue, NY is your gentle approach to wellness! Activate your body's ability to heal with Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine options. Trinity Village Acupuncture specializes in the most effective traditional medicine to help you achieve your health goals. It is our goal to treat all patients with the utmost respect and care. We offer traditional care with a modern approach to support your healing path towards wellness. Based on your physical and psychological conditions, we evaluate the best treatment options available for you. Let us know how we can help you and we'll make sure you receive the best treatment Long Island can offer.


Licensed Professionals

One to One Care


Heated Tables


Traditional & Holistic



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Jade Lominy, Acupuncturist


Trinity Village Acupuncture was founded by Dr. Jade Lominy, DAc LAc. More than 15 years ago Jade was a corporate paralegal and developed ulnar nerve damage and wrist swelling resulting in chronic pain in both hands. After suffering for months without a solution and common treatment methods failing, Jade decided to research other methods of pain relief and healing. She found Acupuncture and after 4 treatments her wrist pain was alleviated and never returned!


Acupuncture quickly became a passion, which Dr. Jade Lominy, DAc LAc studied and practiced for 10 years before deciding to share her knowledge and experienced gained with the Long Island community. During the midst of a crisis knowing that the public needs holistic approaches to care, now more than ever. Jade Lominy opened Trinity Village Acupuncture in 2019. Each session at Trinity Village Acupuncture begins with a thorough review of the patient. Based on that review, an expert approach is taken to determine the best treatment plan for each individual.

Acupuncture Therapy is FSA/HSA Eligible

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